Born in Hong Kong and educated in Canada, Harvey has been leading a successful career as an illustrator for many years in Toronto. Harvey has received numerous awards through his career nationally and internationally. He is known for his diversified portfolio of work with a good balance between traditional and contemporary. He has created 2 series of Chinese Zodiac design and worked on individual projects for the Royal Canadian Mint and most recently, the Year of the Rat stamp design for Canada Post. Besides illustrating and teaching, Harvey also keeps himself busy with personal work and creating gallery work. The recent series of charcoal and oil imaginary portraits has been getting some attention in Hong Kong as well as internationally. Harvey taught drawing, painting and illustration at Ontario College of Art and Design University, and Sheridan College. Harvey has also taught figure sculpture and drawing at The Toronto School of Art. Harvey has moved back to Hong Kong in Dec 2011 and has been developing an career mainly as artist and educator.

Harvey Chan (陳志昌)生於香港,畢業於加拿大多倫多安省美術學院。多年來一直在當地從事專業插畫創作。作品風格化及思考性,包括為加拿大皇家鑄幣廠設計的中國十二生肖金銀幣系列,近期之炭筆及油畫人像設定創作系列更備受注目。Harvey 亦於多年任教於多間於多倫多的美術設計院校,包括插畫、油畫、素描、及雕塑,Harvey 近年更活躍於個人創作及畫廊展覽,Harvey現居香港繼續發展創作、教學及各類型的藝術活動。

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